
About Me

I am twenty-three years old, originally from California, and just recently moved to South Carolina. (A completely different coast, I know) I love baking, shopping, and writing! I am also expecting my first baby in April 2025 which completely blows my mind. I am so excited about all of these changes and blessings that are continuously entering my life!

1985 Toyota Van

Our car.

Social Medialess

I am excited to create this blog and use it as my creative outlet but I also hope to grow an audience that enjoys what I write about. The only “social media” I have will be my Pinterest, and well, this website. Around May of 2024, I decided to free myself of all social media accounts, it’s not that I did not enjoy them, but they took up too much of my time. We find ourselves so engulfed in something as small as a screen that we tend to forget the bigger picture of what’s right in front of us, life. I still regularly use my phone, but instead of scrolling through my TikTok feed, I scroll through my emails and Pinterest for yummy recipes and now yes, baby toys. It’s fun being off the radar and not knowing what’s going on in the world, only my own.